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Glowing Slab

Video Games


A game about starship design, space exploration and the many ways to accidentally kill your crew.
“Basically, while other space games worry about aliens or trade, Space Death is more concerned with the innate dangers of space travel: re-entry sequences, rapid decompression, Sandra Bullock’s butterfingers. It’s a little bit Kerbal, a little bit FTL, but it looks more likely to dynamically create Apollo 13 than any other space game I know of.”
Graham Smith, Rock Paper Shotgun

Under World

Through the door in your basement to a fantasy world like something from one of the text adventure games you’ve been playing on the college mainframe.


Glowing Slab is a very tiny independent game development company based in the UK. Formed in 2018, we are busy making high quality video games for intelligent audiences.
Lead Designer
Peter Acott-Hill
Lead Programmer
John P. Batty
Mouhannad Al-Sayegh


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